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Homeopathic Approach in The Treatment of Diabetes


Homeopathic Approach in The Treatment of Diabetes

By Dr Guillermo Zamora
Medical Doctor ( Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara UAG)
Homepathy (Homeopatía de Guadalajara, A.C.)

Diabetes is a systemic disease which is characterized by an inability to produce insulin with its respective hyperglycemia. Diabetic patients tend to complications such as hiperosmolar condition due to lost electrolytes, and basically problems at the neural level (diabetic neuropathy) and complications in eyes, kidneys, lower limb and vascular system. The incidence in Mexico is 2 to 4 %.

There are several types of diabetes, although we can summarize them as follows:

1.-Diabetes mellitus type I: tend to occur in children and young adults, but can occur at any age. Individuals with special genetic predisposition, immune destruction of the insulin-producing cells determines a progressive loss of endogenous insulin. Therefore requires exogenous insulin to gain control of glucose, prevent Diabetic Cetoacidosis and sustain life.

2.-Diabétes Mellitus type II: usually appears in 30 years. There has been observed a genetic predisposition, but pathogenesis is different from the type I diabetes patients most are obese and many shows the action of insulin resistance. Usually, endogenous insulin production should be sufficient to prevent cetoacidosis, but when the stress is very intense, they may receive cetoacidosis. These patients usually respond well to the oral hipoglicemiants.

3. The other diabetes mellitus (secondary) show hyperglycemia associated with another cause, such as a pancreatic disease, pancreatectomy, pregnancy, drugs or chemicals, syndrome cushing, acromegaly, and many rare congenital disorders.

The most useful drugs in the treatment of diabetes are:
• Phosphorus
• Arsenicum album
• Lycopodium clavatum
• Phosphoricum acidum
• Lacticum acidum
• China officinalis
• Silicea
• Sulphur
• Calcarea carbónica
• Nitricum acidum
• Aceticum acidum
• Ignatia
• Chimapila
• Sizygium
• Argentum nitricum
• Arsenicum iodatum
• Lachesis
• Natrum sulphuricum
• Argentum metallicum
• Bryonia
• Aceticum acidum
• Thuja

It is important to mention that in the case of type I diabetes all what we can do is to improve the symptomatic box and complications that may be treated, since this type of diabetes is incurable. In diabetes type II are achieved very good results in the most of patients, even sometimes, the dose of oral hipoglicemiant it seems to be optimized until become minimum and even might be withdrawn. Of course, it will depend if patients take a proper diet, exercise routine, handling the stress through meditation or otherwise, timely homeopathic medication and also a good education to alert the patient on revisions wich should be with us (monthly) and regarding of their retinas (consultations with an ophthalmologist at least every 6 months). Furthermore, caring of their feet using soft, comfortable shoes, at least average a half number bigger used regularly with their respective measures of alarm that where our patient note ulcers, dark fingers in color or swelling immediately go to the homeopath (or doctor), and logically also making use of resources which must include a chemistry laboratory blood full for evaluation of glucose, kidney filtration, metabolic, as well as the serum electrolyte, full blood biometrics and General urine test.

It is worth to mention the hiperosmolar condition usually found on diabetics uncontrolled or being initially diagnosed, serum electrolyte imbalances are the tool diagnoses as well as the arterial blood gases.
However, one of the symptoms most frequently involved in this condition is tiredness or weakness, it would be practical to mention that the most of the acids used in homeopathy have as common denominator that symptom.

Next presents basic aspects of the "Weakness" symptom in some homeopathic medicines which have proved to be useful in the treatment of diabetes.

1. Weakness with ears´s buzzing: China officinalis
2. Weakness in abdomen: Phosphorus
3. Weakness to climb stairs: Iodum
4. Weakness of Heart: Irregular ó intermitente: Naja, Kali carb.
5. Wakness cervical: Músculos, no puede mantener la cabeza erguida: Cocculus indicus.
6. Weakness to walk, you loose: Cocculus indicus.
7. Weakness to descend downstairs: Stannum
8. Weakness, fades to walk, by cold, wet, travel extreme heat: Sepia off.
9. Weakness with decreased vital force: Carbo Vegetabilis, arsenicum album, muriatic acidum, camphora, veratrum album…Lacking vital force: Lauroceraseus.
10. Weakness General: Silicea, arsenicum album, hyosciamus Níger, kali carbonicum, baptista, gelsemium, picnic acidum, iodum met, selenium, cocculus indicus, carbo animalis, sulphuricum acidum, ferrum metallicum, natrum muriaticum.
11. Weakness: General progressive: Hyosciamus Níger
12. Weakness: general muscular: kali-Carbonicum.
13. Weakness; general and lassitude: Árnica montana.
14. Weakness: Male genitalia: Selenium
15. Intense weakness and reduction of forces: Digitalis purpurea.
16. Intensive weakness after to eat: Natrum Muriaticum
17. Weakness by fluid loss: China officinalis.
18. Weakness in the lumbar región, loose when walk: Cocculus indicus.
19. Weakness and fatigue in the neck:: Zincum metallicum
20. Weakness in the chest: Phosphoricum acidum, stannum met, sulphur.
21. Weakness as if it came from the chest, barely can speak: Stannum.
22. Weakness by blood loss: China officinalis.
23. Weakness of ankles in children: Carbo animalis, silicea
24. Weakness of ankles, walk on the inner side of …Natrum carbonicum
25. Weakness with vision loss: China officinalis.

The most used in the treatment of diabetes medications:

• Phosphorus: Tuberculinic patient, tall, slender, with strait chest or nervous and weak people. Works efficiently in the liver and kidney improving the hipercolesterinemia. It is also a large drug bleeding anywhere body by avoiding significantly the cerebral vascular event. Albumin in urine. Depression and high stress. Retinopathy.

• Arsenicum Album: Agitation: tendency to move from one place to another, great anxiety, prostration, useful in diabetic neuropathy there ardour and/or numbness in limbs.

• Lycopodium Clavatum: Diabetes. Anger and at the same time submissive patient before his superiors. Lost confidence in itself which becomes it aggressive and manipulative. The right side conditions works well and thus improve the liver and kidney functioning as conditions Neuropathies above all of the autonomic nervous system where there is constipation due to inactivity of the rectum. Impotence. Intense desire for sweets.

• Phosphoricum acidum: Neurótic diabetic. Weak and thin with presence of urine sugar. Polyuria. Diarrhea or constipation. Impotence. Depression. Weakness of memory. Inability to concentrate.

• Lacticum Acidum: Diabetes. Presence of blood sugar. Thirst. Voracious hunger. Abundant urine. Rheumatic pain.

• China officinalis: Weakness for loss of fluids. Bleeding. Tympanites. The expulsion of gases do not produce improvement. Loss of vision. Ringing in the ears. Canine hunger. Extreme sensitivity to touch in diabetic neuropathy.

• Silicea Terra: Acts in acute and chronic infections in people with diabetes. Skin and bones-prone supurar infections. Fistulas. Patient shy, insecure and fearful (fear of sharp objects).

• Sulphur: Remedy background par excellence. Acts almost at all levels. Useful in diabetics with fluid retention. Edema. Great circulatory component.

• Calcarea carbonica: Remedy background. Diabetic obese, loose, spongy, chilly. Low thyroid function. Polineuritis. Tired of life. Bad-Tempered.

• Nitricum acidum: Diabetic nervous, irritable. Strong smell like horse urine. Skin cracks and fissures. Ulcers by arterial insufficiency. Weakness. Candilomas and warts.
• Aceticum acidum: Very weakened patient which thins quickly. With edema or anasarca.

• Ignatia: Diabetic with marked signs of sadness and the silent penalty provision. Want to be alone. Profound sighs. Weakness in the mouth of the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach. Bipolarity. Shock disorders. In neuropathy acts on the spinal marrow and affects both motor nerve as sensitive. Tremor by penalties or scares or by parasites. Hysteria.

• Argentum nitricum: Person who has become wrinkled and dry by the disease. Vertigo in high places. Apprehension. Always quick. Purulent conjunctivitis.

• Arsenicum Iodatum: Useful arteriosclerosis and irritant secretions. Diabetics who lose weight quickly. Pain intense polineuríticos. Chronic diseases of the skin. Respiratory symptoms.

• Lachesis Trig: Loquacious, diabetic patients with circulatory problems. Diabetes in menopause. Diabetic Gangrene. Useful in the brain vessel event. Upper digestive tube (bowel) hemorrhages. Retinal hemorrhages.

• Natrum sulphuricum: Useful in diabetic neuropathy that affects the autonomic nervous system. Diarrhea aggravated by the morning of begin to move. Borborigmos on the right side of the abdomen in the ileocecal region. Productive cough aggravated by wet time.

• Argentum metallicum: Diabetics with problems in cartilage, joints.

• Bryonia alba: Diabetic nervous and irritable. Constipation with dried stools as burnt. Thirst. Intense pain that exacerbated by movement and improve with pressure and rest.

• Thuja: Diabetes in patients with sycosis. Polyneuritis with great pain. Polyps. Warts. In the mental area with special illusions: believes that his body and limbs are glass. Thinks he has a live animal inside abdomen. It is obsessive.

Before mentioning some medications used for complications is important to note that the best results have been alternating background remedy with the homeopathic (organotropic) covering the complication when medication.

Some medications used for complications in diabetes

• Lachesis: Ulceras varicose, gangrene diabetic and treatment of cerebral vascular event.

• Secale cornutum: Arterial insufficiency, diabetic gangrene and hypertension in diabetic.

• Hammamelis virg: Peripheral venous insufficiency, rodents varicose. Thrombophlebitis.

• Apis mellifica: anasarca or widespread edema. Edema than eyes as water bags hanging. Edema located in lower yelids.

• Kali-Carbonicum: Edema or widespread anasarca. Located in upper eyelids.

• Euphrasia: Intense conjunctivitis. The patient cannot open eyes, they are stuck by the secresiones.

• Kali Phos: Diabetes of pregnancy

• Simphytum: Osteomielitis. Osteoporosis.

• Causticum: Hypertension. Specific muscle groups paralysis. Polineuritis.

• Plumbum met: Arteriosclerosis. Vascular brain failure. Paralysis. Weight loss.

• Kreosotum: Female genitalia. Excoriantes, irritant or dark and white secretions. Genital candidiasis in diabetic women.

• Phosphorus, Lachesis y Naphtallinum: are useful in diabetic retinopathy.

It seems that the homeopathic remedies have their mechanism of action by contact on the tongue through nerve endings that carrie throughout the body the energy component of the remedies. Taking into account as the hidroelectrolitic imbalance as diabetic neuropathy then we will have a problem of membrane potential which alters the nerve transmission. Therefore, it will be of vital importance to reinstate fluid and electrolytes to our diabetic patients not only for re hydratation but for perfussion tissues and to enhance the potential of membrane, getting a better response.

Keynotes flow chart, designed by Dr. Guillermo Zamora

Harrison's Principles ofInternal Medicine, 17e

Anthony S. Fauci, Eugene Braunwald, Dennis L. Kasper, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, and Joseph Loscalzo, Eds.

The Washington Manual of medical therapeutics; 32nd edition; Departament of medicine of Washington university; School of medicine St Louis Missouri; Editors: Daniel H Cooper, M.D, Andrew J. Krainin, M.D.; Sam J. Lubner, M.D.; Hilari E.L, Reno, M.D., PhD.

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